Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Kings Have Arrived to the 21st Century

Well, I supposed it had to happen....'myspace' passed me by (thank goodness!), 'facebook' at this point in time isn't for, introducing a blog seemed to be the logical answer. I suppose when presented with a new adventure....ok, sad...but this is a new adventure to me:) should have some goals in mind. My ultimate goal is to keep up with my family (both short and long distance) and to keep a journal of sorts that makes up the daily lives of Greg and Donna. Who knows, maybe it could be on the Best Bloggers' list one day. Ok, the very entertainment, right?

So, for better or we come you 'blogger world'. Hopefully the creativity will just flow and ooze into your life...he-he!
Here is a picture of us at Rebecca's wedding 10/09


  1. THat was the most eloquent blog I have ever read. You must have had a lot of help.

    I'm excited for this blog adventure!!! You better update a lot because this is my life during Sam's naps. THERE I SAID IT. THIS IS MY LIFE@!!@##$W%#$&^

  2. Welcome!! I will look you up when I get my 2 minutes of peace a day:)- Scottee
